[ZPatterns] CMF and ZPatterns ..

Ulrich Eck ueck@net-labs.de
Sun, 11 Nov 2001 17:16:06 +0100

Hi Steve,

> > Does anyone see some major incompatiblities between ZPatterns and 
> > CMF .. I haven't compared
> > all attributes and methods of both .. so if anyone knows both and sees 
> > a potential problem ..
> > please give me a note ..
> >

There are some issues with the DataSkin classes, and they still need
to be imported as .zexp .. which I didn't want to .. but this is a general
zpatterns problem. (looking forward to phillips new mysterium transwarp :)

> > I'm not shure however, what format this should be distributed .. for 
> > unix a CMF-ZPatterns-Patch
> > would probably be best .. other plattforms do not have this .. any 
> > comments ??
> >

I did not put this aproach any further after I realized, that it cannot be
provided as a hotfix. I needed to patch the Base-Classes directly in
the CMF Sources. This seemed to be too much work to be done regularly
for me.

I work on some kind of CMF-Application Framework, that takes the 
advantages of CMF (Workflow,Skin) further.  An AppLogic
Tool, that provides an UI-Workflow and a FormsTool (already released).
With this combination and a small Product (an CMF-Application) you can
put small units into a CMF-Site (e.g. an Adressbook that uses a Specialist
and its Dataskins, an UserManager ... ). This way is much more convenient
and maintainable than putting the whole CMF into a ZPatterns app i think.

> Do you still keep these patches "current"? I would be very interested in 
> them!

I still have the sources of the modified version of the CMF that i modified.

If you are interested in trying yourself, I can send you a copy.

If you're interested in my current approach (which is not yet documented and
therefore not released) I could send it as well (and support is avaliable on #zope
when I'm avaliable :)

hope this helps

Ulrich Eck