[PEAK] trellis attrs

nicky van foreest vanforeest at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 16:16:41 EDT 2011

> They will actually work together.  If you do what I said, then you can also
> pass in a specific set as Lloyd suggests...  there's just no need to unless
> you want to use a specific set instead of having a empty default set
> created.

Ok. Thanks.

Sorry to bug you, but I tried also the following:

class Step(trellis.Component):
    duration = trellis.attr(0)

    def __init__(self, machine):
        self.machine = machine
        self.prevs = trellis.Set([])

instead of

class Step(trellis.Component):
    prevs = trellis.make(trellis.Set)
    duration = trellis.attr(0)

    def __init__(self, machine):
        self.machine = machine

This also works (that is, I get the same schedule in both cases). Is
there a difference between the two implementations? The second
implementation sets prevs as a class variable, but this does not
appear necessary (telling from implementation 1).


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