[PEAK] naming.lookup() vs config.lookupComponent()

Doug Quale quale1 at charter.net
Tue Jun 22 10:26:33 EDT 2004

In the shower this morning I realized that I used the wrong
comparison (== instead of is).

   if fast is not None and slow == fast:

should be

   if fast is not None and fast is slow:

> def iterParents(component):
>     """Iterate over all parents of 'component'"""
>     # Use tortoise and hare algorithm to detect circular parent hierarchies.
>     slow = fast = component
>     while slow is not None:
>         yield slow
>         slow = getParentComponent(slow)
>         fast = getParentComponent(getParentComponent(fast))
>         if fast is not None and slow == fast:
>             raise exception.CyclicComponentTree('circular component parent hierarchy')
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