[PEAK] Does a PEAK-ized webware esist ?

Wayne Larsen wayne at larsen.st
Thu Jan 29 20:18:39 EST 2004

Phillip J. Eby wrote:

>> Looking at peak.ini, it appears that there is support for this style of
>> configuration file / path setup, but I have no idea how that would be
>> used.
>> A lot of open issues for me -- any comments?
> It looks to me like you're going for a structure based on directory 
> layout and dynamic discovery, similar in some ways to what I did with a 
> previous framework, ASDF.  'peak.web' is my attempt to get as far *away* 
> from that architecture as possible, even though I'll admit that it does 
> offer some very enticing "instant gratification".
Webware currently behaves this way, with the option of turning on 
ExtraPathInfo so that a single servlet can handle multiple paths, 
removing the url/path coupling.  My app currently behaves this way, so 
actually this is not a strict requirement for _my_ application, but for 
maximum flexibility it seemed to be a decent solution.

> The shortest route might be for you to use peak.web.resources, and 
> define your own factory types for the various sorts of objects you want 
> to have in the directories.  The way this stuff is set up, you could 
> write the entire app inside of the resources, as long as you're okay 
> with all your URLs starting out '/++resources++/my.package/'.  :)
Well, with mod_rewrite in Apache, this is not an issue, as long as full 
control of the rest of the url is possible.

> But, personally, I think you might find it an uphill battle, since it's 
> not really intended for that development model.  peak.web assumes you 
> are creating a Python application in normal Python "module space", and 
> that the hierarchical structure comes from the hierarchy of your "view 
> components".  Resources can then be either objects that are needed by 
> the view components to do their thing (like page templates for their 
> methods), or static data served up as things like images, scripts, PDF 
> files, or whatever.  It's not really designed for building the 
> application out of the resources, though you certainly could do it if 
> you set your mind to it.

It would be great to get an example of how that would be constructed.


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