[PEAK] plugins, dynamic module loading

darryl developer at csrules.dyndns.org
Mon Nov 24 11:17:52 EST 2003

hey all,

I'm writing a whole series of stupid jabber/irc bots. Right now i'm
working on dynamically loading modules/plugins. Here's what i'm doing

    def loadModules(self, path):
        for m in glob.glob("%s/*.py" % path):
            m = re.sub(path, "", m)
            m = re.sub(r'[/\\]', "", m)
            m = re.sub("\.py$", "", m)
            exec "import %s\nself.modules.append(%s.%s(self))\n" %(m,m,m)
            print "registered %s" %m

It's very ugly :)

Is there a peak-ish way to do this sort of thing?


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