[TransWarp] Re: [Zope3-dev] Re: DataSkins and Zope3

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Thu Feb 14 11:25:25 EST 2002

"Phillip J. Eby" wrote:

(useful observations about Zope 3 snipped ;)

I just saw this note referenced in another note and have a comment or
two. I missed this one when it was first sent.

> There are several questions in my mind right now about Z3-TW
> integration.  Mostly, they deal with fine details like how acquisition will
> actually work, security assertions as they relate to attributes vs. methods
> in interfaces, but they also deal with terminology and concepts.  TW is
> built around the assumption that the "static" portions of an application
> are represented as Python code, while some of the Z3 stuff "smells" like
> there might be ZODB-specific assumptions lurking somewhere just out of
> sight.  That's why I'm watching closely for those kinds of things and
> throwing an exception when I spot them.  :)

We are working hard to keep ZODB (and acquisition, for that matter) 
assumptions out of the architecture.  There are two ways I think we'll
avoid ZODB dependencies:

1. Ultimately, we won't require that you play with ZODB or Persistence
   at all. Technically, we don't require Persistence now. Nothing in
   the component architecture depends on content objects working
   with Persistence or ZODB. From a practical perspective, however, 
   if you want to just plop some objects in an ordinary folder that is
   stored in ZODB, then we want you to mix-in Persistence.Persistent.
   You could have objects stored in some other mechanism. For example, 
   you could have objects loaded from an RDBMS when accessed and the
   rest of the architecture won't care.

2. We'd like to provide support for non-ZODB Persistence. That is, we'd
   like you to be able to get the benefits of the Persistence framework
   while storing your data in an RDBMS, LDAP, or whatever.


Jim Fulton           mailto:jim at zope.com       Python Powered!        
CTO                  (888) 344-4332            http://www.python.org  
Zope Corporation     http://www.zope.com       http://www.zope.org

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